Patricia Mulcahy-Morgan, a former Wheatley parish councillor, has died aged 88.

Her father was a Wing Commander during the First World War, who later bought a coffee plantation in Kenya.

Miss Mulchay-Morgan spent her early years in Africa, with her two brothers and sister.

She first came to Oxford before the Second World War, where she studied at St Hilda's College, before leaving to study in Rome.

When the war broke out, she signed up with the Red Cross and spent the war years in Italy.

Miss Mulcahy-Morgan returned to Oxfordshire about 35 years ago and settled down in Wheatley and immediately took to village life.

Parish councillor Janet Carr said: "As a member of the Wheatley Scrabble Club Pat always insisted on being the person who had the board the right way up for reading, thereby getting a huge advantage."

She also belonged to the Wheatley Quiz Society, the Wheatley branch of the WI, the Loner's Lunch Club and was a devoted member of St Mary's Church - where she attended the Not So Young Club - and the Merry Bells Pensioners' Club.