Here we revisit some memorable photos from the Oxford Mail’s archive showing photos from 1990.

Princess Diana made a visit to the county council, a resident of Watlington celebrated her 100th birthday and large crowds gathered to celebrate Oxfordshire County Day.

Another royal snap shows the Prince of Wales helping his polo team to a narrow victory in Kirtlington.

The Prince's team won by half a point in the final of the Unipart Prince of Wales Trophy which was watched by 200 spectators.

It was the first time in three years of the competition the Pirnce had been on the winning side.

Elsewhere, the well-known manager Ray Harford was spotted in the crowd at Oxford United.

Other pictures show the Waterloo Inn at Moulsford being put up for sale due to damage, nine gymnasts from Gosford Hill School representing the southern region and a hot air balloonist from Towersey abandoning his flight due to high winds.

Finally, a group of New Age Travellers are also pictured gathering at East Hendred in Wantage on August 9, 1990.