This is the face of the Yorkshireman locked up for wrapping his hands around a teenager's throat after he was thrown out of a wedding reception.

Jonathan Waite, 48, was sent inside for 21 months last week, having earlier been convicted of assaulting the 16-year-old girl in Freeland, West Oxfordshire, a year ago.

At his trial before the magistrates’ court, Barnsley man Waite claimed to have been defending himself against the teenager.

But his account was rejected at the lower court, he was convicted and his case sent to the crown court for sentencing.

Judge Michael Gledhill KC told the middle-aged man, who has previously done jail time for assault: “You are heavily built. You are old enough to know better. 

“And, as a result of your previous convictions, you know what happens when you commit offences of violence, particularly strangulation.” 

Oxford Mail: Jonathan Waite's mugshot showed him with a heavily-bruised right eye Picture: Thames Valley PoliceJonathan Waite's mugshot showed him with a heavily-bruised right eye Picture: Thames Valley Police (Image: Thames Valley Police)

Now, Thames Valley Police has released Waite’s mugshot. It shows him with a heavily-bruised right eye, and what appeared to be a slight scab beneath the lower eyelid.

Speaking on behalf of the defendant last week, defence counsel Jonathan Stone said Waite struggled with ‘conflict resolution’.

It was claimed that his client had gone to a pub across the road from the village hall where the wedding reception was being held in order to wait for a taxi.