Extinction Rebellion Oxford protested outside a Shell filling station to "condemn its profiteering from massive oil and gas investment".

Protesters held placards and banners outside the filling station in Headington, Oxford, on Saturday (September 30) and ran a stall at Headington crossroads.

Dozens of people have signed a letter to East Oxford MP, Anneliese Dodds, calling for Labour to cancel the proposed Rosebank oil and gas field if in Government.

Dr Hazel Dawe said: “Why did I spend hours on a Saturday challenging the Shell corporation? Because the International Energy Agency has warned that no new coal, oil or gas projects can be developed if we are to limit global warming to 1.5°C in order to avoid climate collapse.

READ MORE: Cordon set up by police at Headington house

"But Shell is opening a new gas field in the North Sea. The Jackdaw Gas Field is expected to start production during this decade.”

She added: “In 2022, Shell increased its annual profits to 19.3 billion dollars [£15.8billion], mostly by gaining from increased  gas prices that caused a cost-of-living crisis for ordinary people, and undermined both public and private sector finances.

"This is against any reasonable idea of sensible climate and environment policies.

"We should all take to heart this statement by UN Secretary General António Guterres, in 2022: 'It is moral and economic madness to fund new fossil fuel projects.””