An investigation has been launched into the early closure of a school after pupils' ‘pushed back’ against new rules.

The Oxford Academy was forced to send pupils home early on Wednesday (September 27) after "a small group of boys" had resisted recent changes introduced for behaviour regulation. 

The Littlemore school on Sandy Lane West was fully reopened yesterday (September 28) but staff continue to probe the incident. 

In a letter to parents, shared with the Oxford Mail, headteacher Nora Ward confirmed the decision to close the school as a “precautionary measure” was made at noon on Wednesday after consulting with police.

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The headteacher said the incident involved a number of students whose “challenging behaviour choices caused significant disruption” to the school and described the actions as “unacceptable”.

Oxford Mail:

Headteacher Ms Ward told parents in a letter: “We are now in the process of a full investigation.

“It is important that we are thorough and have the full body of evidence about this incident, rather than making decisions about sanctions too quickly.

“The rumour mills are flying on social media with some very inflammatory comments and incorrect conclusions being drawn. 

“Can I please ask that as a community, we work together and refrain from engaging in social media and fuelling the fire of these rumours which damage our community?”

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Oxford Mail:

Students were spoken to about how they can seek support following the incident.

The library manned by trained members of staff was opened all day yesterday for students who felt they needed support.

The school has also launched a feedback form for parents to share any relevant information about the incident.

It is understood that no weapons were used during the incident despite speculation on social media.

Thames Valley Police confirmed it was called to the scene but has said the incident is not a police matter.

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Following the incident, headteacher Ms Ward wrote:  “We are aware parents will be worried about this situation but please do rest assured that we are fully investigating and taking all the appropriate actions to return the school to normality tomorrow (September 28) and ensure a safe and calm environment for your child.”

Oxford Mail: The Oxford Academy

Katie Heeley, whose best friend's niece attends the school, said: "My friend was quite panicked and she was very upset and sad by what had happened.

"She lives about two minutes away and literally ran to the school when she found out.

"It's very bad. Her niece was crying and very scared. A lot of people were saying they will not be sending their kids back there again.

"The school had to be shut and students sent home. They were meant to be having an open event this evening but have had to cancel due to how unsafe it is."

A spokesman for the school, which is part of the River Learning Trust, said: “Over the last few years we have significantly improved behaviour and are creating an environment in which students behave well, are happy and are able to flourish.

“This process is ongoing, and to allow the school to continue its journey of improvement, there have been further recent changes relating to behaviour and high expectations of students.

“These changes have been welcomed by the majority of students, families and staff. 

“A small section of the student body has decided that it wants to push back against the changes.

“This led to students displaying behaviour today similar to that seen on social media in other UK schools earlier in the year, when some students joined in staged, artificial and disruptive events.”