A police officer accused of gross misconduct after walking out of a shop with £26-worth of goods has resigned.

The officer, who has not been named, faced a misconduct hearing at Kidlington police headquarters earlier this week.

However, after the hearing was pulled at the last minute, Thames Valley Police confirmed that the case against the officer had been withdrawn ‘following the resignation of the officer concerned’.

The hearing had been due to take place in front of the chief constable, Jason Hogg, on Thursday. 

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In a notice published on the force’s website earlier this month, it was said the officer was off-duty when they were caught on CCTV taking items in a shop and making no attempt to pay for them.

The incident was said to have happened on February 26, although the name and location of the shop were withheld.

Oxford Mail: The misconduct hearing would have been held in front of chief constable Jason HoggThe misconduct hearing would have been held in front of chief constable Jason Hogg (Image: Oxford Mail)

Their reason for taking the items or what items were stolen was not given by Thames Valley Police.

The unnamed officer was handed a penalty notice for disorder, a type of out-of-court disposal for lower-level crimes. They were banned from going back to the shop.

A Thames Valley Police spokesman said: “[We] allege that if these allegations are proven, the conduct would amount to gross misconduct for which a finding of dismissal would be justified.”