They are only just over a month old but these white rhino babies are running rings around their mums.

The babies were born at Cotswold Wildlife Park a week apart ahead of the park's Rhino Month to raise conservation awareness. 

Ruby gave birth to male calf Henry on August 12 and Nancy birthed female calf Susie exactly a week later on August 19.

Oxford Mail: White rhino babies on their first day out in the paddock

Both calves weighed in at around 60 to 70kg, and will put on a 1.5 to 2kg a day during their first years.

This week the park shared delightful photos of the babies on their first day out in the paddock.

Head Keeper Mark Godwin said Henry is "the most confident calf he's ever encountered" in his 36 years at the park.

He added: "It's going to be quite an exciting time trying to sort out the two young calves out in the middle of the paddock when they are running around."