A primary school has applied for permission to build a playing field to allow more expansion following a surge in new house building.

Developer Pye Homes wants to build the 110 metre by 60 metre playing field for Hanborough Manor School on a field and an area of grassland off Kents Bank in Long Hanborough.

A new ancillary block would include toilets, a cleaner's store and equipment store under the plans lodged with the council. 

The new playing field would be substantially larger than the existing sports field on the school site which is approximately 50 metres by 25 metres.

It will be accessed by pupils supervised by school staff via the existing pedestrian footways in Reily Close.

The playing field, designed to Sport England standards, will be surrounded by a 2.1metre mesh fence for security as well as hedgerows.

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Applicant Pye Homes states: "The proposed development would enable Hanborough Manor School to expand and therefore offer greater choice of schools for local existing and future residents."

It says the West Oxfordshire Local Plan 2031 identified the ‘particular pressure’ schools are experiencing which includes Long Hanborough.

Oxford Mail: Hanborough Manor School playing field

"This proposal would give Long Hanborough the opportunity to accommodate the population growth that has occurred and planned future growth," it adds.

A previous application was granted permission on appeal by the Planning Inspector, who concluded: “It is my judgement that it could be satisfactorily integrated into the fabric, structure and setting of the village, not materially affecting adversely the character and appearance of Long Hanborough.”

But a near neighbour has objected saying the plans would hinder access to her driveway.

"Not only that this is a road full of small children who enjoy playing out the front of the houses on the Green," she wrote.

"Having more vehicles coming up and down Reily Close and on to Kents Bank is not ideal.

Oxford Mail: Hanborough Manor School playing field

"If you start to allow this field to be used on weekends then parents will expect to be parking up here. Parking is already a massive issue on term times with parents of school children clogging up Kents Bank and parking outside people's houses to use the park."

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Meanwhile another neighbour agreed the proposed fence was an issue.

"What an eyesore that is going to be," she wrote.

In 2020 Oxfordshire County Council funded a £3.2million extension and refurbishment of the school, expanding capacity from 210 to a maximum of 315 pupils aged 4-11.

Completion of the 169-home Hanborough Gate and 128-home Hanborough Park developments in particular have seen a rise in demand for places.