A play area in Bicester may be getting a splash park upgrade with the aim of becoming a ‘destination park’.

Garth Park play area, in Bicester, was the subject of an Environment meeting in mid-July which saw KOMPAN, a playground equipment company, deliver a presentation to the council committee highlighting four designs for its refurbishment.

Now, in the upcoming Environment meeting on Tuesday, September 12, the committee is requested to approve two play area options for final design to be reviewed in the following meeting.

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The four current design options have varying combinations of splash park and play area, with the final design being the destination park.

The first option includes £200,000 for a splash park, plus £200,000 for shelters, seating, a changing area and play equipment.

The second option involves spending £280,000 on the splash park component, and £120,000 on shelters, seating, a changing area and/or play equipment.

£310,000 would be spent on the splash park with the third option, plus £90,000 on shelters, seating, a changing area and/or play equipment.

Option four would see £400,000 spent on a destination park design with play equipment only.

Donna Ford, county councillor for Bicester North, said: “I am delighted to see the ideas I put forward to transform Garth Park into a destination park coming forward to committee.

“We have the opportunity to turn Garth Park into an amazing park for us all to be proud of.

“The splash park was inspired by a visit to my in-laws in Nairn, who have something similar which my eight-year-old son very much enjoyed.

“As the mum of an eight-year-old we often visit different areas to spend a day at larger parks with more to do and wanted to make it possible for residents in Bicester to be able to do it close to home.

“It’s a fantastic setting and will give residents the chance to have a great day our right on their doorsteps.”

Ms Ford extended an invitation to the public to come along to the meeting on September 12 to share their thoughts and ideas.

Nick Cotter, district councillor for Bicester South, said: “I echo councillor Ford’s invitation. She has put a lot of work into this and noting the comments elsewhere with regards to play areas, this is a bit of really good news.”

Some members of the public have shown concern recently that a few of the play areas around Bicester are in need of renovation.

Chris Pruden, district councillor for Bicester South and Ambrosen, said: “We will be reviewing all Bicester town council play areas over the coming months to ensure the best is on offer where it is needed.”


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This story was written by Matthew Norman, he joined the team in 2022 as a Facebook community reporter.

Matthew covers Bicester and focuses on finding stories from diverse communities.

Get in touch with him by emailing: Matthew.norman@newsquest.co.uk

Follow him on Twitter: @OxMailMattN1