Utility companies have been criticised for leaving a verge in a ‘poor state’ after carrying out works in the area.

Improvement works have been carried out on Wootton Road in Abingdon, close to the junction with Evelin Road.

Contractors had been using the grass verge to store materials and tools.

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Councillor Nathan Ley who represents Abingdon North on Oxfordshire County Council said: "People increasingly have to put up with disruption from utility works.

"In this instance utility works including gas companies have left the site on Wootton Road in a poor state.

"The least they could do - as is their duty according to their permits - is to look after their working area better, and once they leave restore the verges to how they found them before works started, ideally free of rubble and other debris.

"Any company or contractor leaving a mess behind will be reported as usual, but it would be nice to not have to do so quite so often"

Mr Ley added that he had informed the council about the issue.