A serving prison officer who dealt cannabis and Xanax to another gaoler at HMP Bullingdon.

Alex Steptoe, 23, was said to have gone to the car park at the Bicester jail to supply or intending to supply the drugs there.

His illegal sideline was discovered when another officer, Lewis Budzisewski, came to the attention of police for what prosecutor Bethan Chichester simply described as ‘an unrelated matter’ and his telephone was seized.

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On the phone was a series of messages between Steptoe and Mr Budzisewski discussing the exchanging of drugs.

There was no suggestion of the defendant, Alex Steptoe, bringing drugs into prison or supplying prisoners in his charge.

However, when police searched the man’s home they found tablets and cannabis in his bedroom.

“Mr Steptoe was interviewed and accepted he was having a difficult time and had purchased the drugs to relax,” Ms Chichester told the court.

He admitted providing cannabis to his colleague, Mr Budzisewski, but said he was not doing it for a profit.

Steptoe, of Woodhill Drive, Grove, pleaded guilty at the magistrates’ court to being concerned in the supply of class B and C drugs over a week in June 2022.

He also admitted personal possession of ecstasy, cannabis and class C drug Bromazolam. He had no previous convictions.

Oxford Mail: The former prison guard resigned from the role he was said to have enjoyed Picture: Oxford MailThe former prison guard resigned from the role he was said to have enjoyed Picture: Oxford Mail (Image: Oxford Mail)

Imposing an 18 month community order, Judge Michael Gledhill KC said: “There will be, no doubt, many people who think I ought to send you to prison and through the keys away.”

But he said he was giving Steptoe the opportunity of putting his wrongdoing behind him.

Judge Gledhill added: “This is really a very serious matter and, as I said, I came into this court with one sentence in my mind.

“That is to send you through that door to your left straight down to the cells to send a deterrent message out to those who might be minded to do what you’ve done.”

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He said in a final shot to the defendant, who was physically shaking as he stood in the dock during the sentencing: “I don’t want ever to see you in this court again.”

As part of the community order, Steptoe must do 150 hours of unpaid work.

Earlier, his advocate said that the prison officer had ‘difficulties in his mental health and also difficulties at work’.

“He sought assistance from the prison. He said he didn’t get much assistance at all,” the lawyer said.

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