Unpopular plans to build 147 homes near Bicester have been shot down by Cherwell District Council.

In a unanimous vote on Thursday, July 13, the council’s planning committee refused the outline planning application by Wates Development to develop the houses in Chesterton.

Speaking at the meeting, Councillor Barry Wood, leader of the Conservative group, said: “It is not hard to figure this one out.”

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He added: “This is too big for that community.

"Chesterton has had more than its fair share of development.

"In a way, Chesterton has been picked on as a place by developers because of its proximity to Bicester and it has provided its share of affordable houses for the greater good of this district already."


Oxford Mail: Councillor Barry Wood spoke against the plans at the meeting

As well as the homes, the failed plans would have seen a recreational playing field area, sports pitches and associated car parking built to the land south of Green Lane.

The plans received around 100 objections during the public consultation phase, with neighbours concerned over increased traffic on roads and the lack of infrastructure.

John Tarvit, planning director of Wates Development, tried to alleviate concerns when he spoke at the meeting. 

He said: “From the outset, I wanted my team to design a landscape-led proposal that responded to the needs of Chesterton and would be an exemplar zero-carbon scheme.”

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He claimed the company had incorporated feedback from an ‘extensive consultation’ with the community.

“We proposed a development delivering a wide range of benefits to residents in Chesterton and the surrounding area,” he added.

“Our proposal followed a positive pre-application meeting with the council’s planning officer. It was recognised the site is free from significant physical constraints and it is close to existing local community and recreational facilities, as well as the local pub.

“The site is also very close to Bicester park and ride which provides easy public transport access to Oxford and the wider area.”

Oxford Mail: The homes would have been built off Green Lane

Cllr John Broad, who represents Bicester West, complimented the proposed development but said it was in the wrong location.

He said: “This application is for a development that is absolutely fantastic. When I read it, I thought ‘this is absolutely superb.’ 

"It’s got all the things I keep going on about – high quality housing, solar panels on the roofs, air source heat pumps. Absolutely everything I’ve always wanted.

“But it’s not in the right place.

“Can this company please go up to north-west Bicester and put the application in up there?”

Planning officer Andrew Thompson recommended the development was refused on the grounds it would ‘impact on the identity and character of the village.'