Major plans would see a new data centre and industrial estate built on a former quarry to the outskirts of an Oxfordshire town.

De Montalt Life Sciences want to build seven 25 metre high blocks, a data centre, and two multi-story carparks at Wicklesham Quarry near Faringdon.

The company said it had ‘identified a market requirement for new research and laboratory accommodation in the vicinity of Oxford to serve the rapid growth in the life sciences sector.’

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The outline flexible planning application has been submitted to Vale of White Horse District Council, the planning authority.

But the plans have been opposed by some villagers.

Anna Hoare, whose petition against the site being developed has received almost 2,000 signatures, said: “This industrial monster would loom over views towards Faringdon from the footpaths, public bridleway, and houses alongside Wicklesham Quarry, virtually obliterating them, and would dominate views from Folly Hill and Galley Hill, our most important viewing points and amenity areas.

“At 25 metres high, and covering almost 29 acres, the seven four storey structures are many times bigger (in mass) and taller than any existing buildings in Faringdon, and would completely destroy the town’s landscape setting and rural character, creating a massive industrial overspill into open countryside.”

In its design and access statement, De Montalt Life Sciences said: “There is therefore an urgent need to provide high quality accommodation in a location well placed to support the established hubs at Oxford Science Park, ARC, Milton Park, Harwell etc.”