A six-year-old boy was one of nine people who had their heads shaved in support of a father-of-two undergoing treatment for a brain tumour.

The 'brave the shave' challenge was part of a 'Family Fun Day' organised at the Royal Legion in Hanney on June 17 which raised almost £2,500 for the Brain Tumour Charity.

It was put together by Siobhan Broadhurst, 32, whose husband Charlie, 34, was diagnosed with a brain tumour last year and is about to start chemotherapy treatment.

Oxford Mail: The nine people who took part in the 'brave the shave' challenge, including six-year-old Jaxon Cox

The money adds to the £8,475 already raised for the charity through a JustGiving page.

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Jaxon Cox, six, was the youngest to sit in a barber’s chair and have his hair cut with clippers at the event.

He was joined by Mr Broadhurst’s friends Sam Cox (Jaxon’s dad) and James Foster, his brother-in-law Christopher Clear, uncle-in-law Daniel Clear, uncle John Broadhurst, brothers Ben and Freddie Broadhurst and his father Stuart Broadhurst.

The event also featured a classic steam engine, face-painting, bouncy castles, and a teddy tombola.

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Mr Broadhurst said: "It was quite touching because, before we had to deal with it, we didn’t know anyone who had been affected by this.

Oxford Mail: From left, Freddie, Stuart, Charlie, and Ben Broadhurst before the headshave

“There were people there with ongoing treatments. There was a lady there who had lost her son at five. It helps to know you’re not on your own.

“There were a couple of people that had come from as far as Swindon and central Oxford.”

Mr Broadhurst was diagnosed with a brain tumour in March 2022 following a sudden seizure in January

He had one awake biopsy operation and one awake full craniotomy surgery to remove part of the tumour and is coming to the end of a six-week radiotherapy course with a year of chemotherapy now ahead of him.

Oxford Mail: From left, Charlie, Ben, Stuart and Freddie Broadhurst after the headshave

Mrs Broadhurst organised both the JustGiving page and the fundraiser in Hanney to raise money for the world's leading brain tumour charity and the largest dedicated funder of research into brain tumours globally.

She said: “I have some contact with people at the Brain Tumour Charity and we are fully aware that the brain tumour network of charities only get a fraction of funding compared to something like Cancer Research.

Oxford Mail: Siobhan Broadhurst with her and Charlie's son Oscar

“We want to provide money towards research that is ongoing to help find new medication, or to help train surgeons so they can operate on tumours.

“It’s also to help support the families going through this. We have a five-year-old and two-year-old and the charity provided a goody bag for our boys to help them understand what’s happening.

“But they need help to offer that service, and if we weren’t able to raise money for them, I wouldn’t want to think that a five-year-old would go without the help they need.”

To donate, visit: https://bit.ly/46BJJrI