A Beaver troop helped to support a local business after taking part in a scavenger hunt around town.

The 1st Kingsmere Beavers set out on the trail around Bicester town centre with a list of 20 questions to answer about their surroundings.

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Bryan Taunton, 1st Kingsmere Scout Group Lead Volunteer said: “The aim of the quiz was to introduce the Beavers to elements of the town they might not have visited or noticed before, and so had questions like ‘what animal is on top of the A plan insurance roof?’ or ‘how many stone sheep are there?’ “The exploration of their town went towards the Beavers’ My Adventure challenge badge and was topped off with a reward of juice and a cookie at The Fat Zebra, in the market square.”

Activity Assistant Beaver Leader David Budden wanted to support a local business, so he reached out to Johnny Morgan at The Fat Zebra, who was happy to help.


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This story was written by Matthew Norman, he joined the team in 2022 as a Facebook community reporter.

Matthew covers Bicester and focuses on finding stories from diverse communities.

Get in touch with him by emailing: Matthew.norman@newsquest.co.uk

Follow him on Twitter: @OxMailMattN1