The summer fete at an unique historic farm was packed with visitors young and young at heart, and the rain held off.

Cogges Manor Farm in Witney, which is managed and cared for by Cogges Heritage Trust, aims to keep agricultural heritage alive.

Cogges volunteers hand-built and painted the fete stalls and games – preparations paid off as Splat the Rat and the Human Fruit Machine were both big hits with children and adults alike.

Cogges Olympics on the Manor Lawn included sack races, tractor-pedalling racing, egg and spoon racing for kids and grown ups - imagine scenes from Chariots of Fire set to music by the Wurzels.

READ MORE: Witney shopping centre hosts morning yoga sessions in the open

Kids loved meeting the new Cotswold Lions (sheep!) and feeding the friendly goats close up.

Meanwhile the craft stall had an amazing array of gorgeous hand-made treasures, and South Wiltshire Falconry wowed with fantastic Bird of Prey displays in the meadow for Father's Day.

The fete launches the summer programme at the Manor including a Big Band in the Barn (24 June, 7pm) with a 16-piece swing band and professional dancers.

Visitors can dress up in vintage outfit and join in with a dance lesson.

Summer theatre is back, with Wind in the Willows with Shakespeare's Circus and Pride and Prejudice coming up in July, plus Robin Hood August with Illyria theatre company.

And get  your drinking arm ready as the legendary Cogges Beer and Cider Festival is back, bigger than ever with over 40 local craft brews, live music and much more on  August 5 from 2.30pm-late.