Children at a school in Bicester were educated on climate change through a series of talks and performances.

St Edburg’s School launched its climate change week with a collective workshop which included a message from children’s author Loll Kirby, who later led an online session.

The pupils were also visited by Jo Miskin, climate action manager at Cherwell council, and watched the Arty-Fact Theatre Company perform a show called ‘calamity climate change’.

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Each class at the school had a specific environmental focus for the week.

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Early Years Foundation Stage pupils looked at recycling, year one learned about water waste, while year two planted trees and made wildflower ‘seed bombs’.

Year three spent time litter picking and year four investigated whether the community can travel in more eco-friendly ways.

Oxford Mail: Year one pupil at St Edburg's School learning about saving water during teethbrushing

Year five focused on food waste and year six discovered how much energy can be saved from simple changes such as taking a four-minute shower.

Oxford Mail: Year five students at St Edburg's School out doing field work during climate change week