Planning approvals for companies at a science and technology park will be fast-tracked following an updated planning document.

A 10-day simplified planning process will be adopted at MEPC Milton Park after Vale of White Horse District Council voted for the updated Local Development Order (LDO).

The LDO, subject to a legal agreement being finalised, will “cut red tape” and speed up planning processes at the science park near Didcot.

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Councillor Debby Hallett said: “I’m pleased we are taking this innovative approach to planning in Milton Park to help foster new job opportunities, boost the local economy, cut red tape for preferred development and introduce more measures to help us tackle the climate emergency.

“I want to thank everyone who had their say in last year’s community consultation for the LDO and I look forward to continue to see our vision for Milton Park come to life."

The council aims to adopt the updated LDO in the coming months, and it is hoped to create more jobs, business investment opportunities, and improved sustainability.

The updated Milton Park LDO includes plans for business and employment opportunities, such as laboratories, offices, shops, cafés and a nursery.

It would also increase floor space for businesses and allow increased building heights in certain parts of Milton Park.

With a strong focus on sustainability, new designs would be expected to reduce carbon footprint and incorporate low or zero carbon energy technology where possible.

The decision follows a decade in which the 272 life science companies at Milton Park have secured more than seven per cent of all UK equity investments made in the sector.

New research from Beauhurst shows that between 2013-2022, the companies attracted £2.14bn of private equity investment.

Philip Campbell, commercial director at Milton Park, described the district council as a “trail blazer” for the new decision.

He said: “I believe the new LDO will be the most comprehensive simplified planning regime anywhere in the UK, setting the benchmark for other local authorities to follow.

“It will play a crucial part in supporting the council’s Corporate Plan and Milton Park’s 2040 Vision – a framework for guiding the park towards innovation district status, positioning itself as one of the most flexible locations for science and technology companies to establish and grow.

“With recent research from Beauhurst confirming the Park’s life science companies have secured an impressive 7.56 per cent of the UK’s total equity investment in the sector over the last decade, the new LDO will allow us to further support this ‘golden age’ of life sciences and technology by delivering industry-grade spaces with the necessary agility.”