Oxford Brookes University has donated medical equipment to frontline hospitals in Ukraine.

The university has sent over obsolete kit – which is in good working order - from its paramedic and nursing education facility at its Marston Road site. 

This includes stretchers, catheters, stethoscopes and paediatric feeding tubes which have been receieved by medics in the city of Kharkiv.

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Justin Cule, clinical skills and simulation manager, said: “We were having a clear out and found various pieces of obsolete equipment that were once used for training purposes. 

“The used kit is all very serviceable, but is no longer used by the NHS. It’s ideal for an emergency or frontline situation where there is a shortage of supplies.  

“We can’t begin to imagine what being in the middle of a war might be like for front line health staff. But we hope that by sending these items to Ukraine we are making a difference.”

The equipment has been transported by UK-based charity Transport a Sister, which has helped more than 10,000 refugees since the start of the war.

Volunteer Torhalla Metsniin said: “The equipment from Oxford Brookes has been successfully delivered to a frontline field hospital in the city of Kharkiv.

“The medics there couldn't believe their luck when they received it, as this sort of kit is in very short supply and will make a huge difference when treating casualties.”