Barbara Norden is concerned about how her elderly mother will get to see the doctor once the Botley Road is shut for about six months from April 11.

Thank you for your coverage of the Botley Road story in the Oxford Mail.

There are more aspects to the problem. My mother is 90 and lives in sheltered flats on the Botley Road. She has lived there for 20 years.

The residents of 60 flats there have to go to frequent medical appointments due to their age.

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They will not be able to get taxis into the city except by going round the ring road which I think would add about half an hour to the journey but that is just a guess. Obviously expense as well. They will feel cut off from the city when they were already isolated by the pandemic.

Oxford Mail:

My mother is very upset about it and we wrote to Layla Moran MP who did reply and said she would be continuing to speak to Network Rail.

There was a meeting with the county council and the older residents at the flats where the idea of rickshaws was suggested but there is no way most of these residents could get into a rickshaw.

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What will happen about ambulances? Will GPs come on visits? This may be talked about but will it happen in practice? It seems unlikely. Clearly no one has thought this through and there is no proper plan.

Barbara Norden

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