Sir - I am sorry to disappoint your correspondent Paul Blay (Letters, June 6). The city council's review of leisure covers the leisure centres and the swimming pools, but does not at this stage include the extensive provision of outdoor sports facilities such as the tennis courts and football and rugby pitches.

Mr Blay, and others who have an interest in the future of Alexandra Courts, should also be aware that the decision making authority for the facility is the north area committee, rather than the city executive board, in line with the scheme of delegation to local ward members that was agreed some years ago.

Parks managers have been asked to carry out a thorough 'due diligence' exercise on the proposed lessees, and to bring a report to the area committee.

While local members do appear to have differing views on the proposals and future plans, it does seem possible to provide both indoor and outdoor courts and to preserve the principle of public access at reasonable cost.

Since all the members of the area committee are Liberal Democrats, I trust that an appropriately comradely party discussion will result in a decision which satisfies them all, as well as the tennis players of North Oxford.

Bob Price, Leader of Oxford City Council