A refurbished village playground was officially unveiled today - to the delight of local children.

Vale of White Horse district councillor Jane Hanna cut the ribbon to re-open the slides, swings and roundabout in the recreation ground at Marcham, near Abingdon.

Malcolm Denton, chairman of Marcham Parish Council, pictured, enjoyed a spin on the roundabout. He said the work was necessary because the rusting old equipment had reached the end of its life.

He said: "The old equipment was getting in quite a bad state and we wanted to make it more child-friendly and safe."

The new equipment cost £39,000 and was paid for by Marcham Parish Council with the help of a £26,000 grant from Waste Recycling Environmental Limited.

Mr Denton added: "The children love the new equipment - it's absolutely first class.

"I think it was a good investment."