A cyclist is enjoying a well earned rest at home after a mammoth bike ride across Europe in memory of a friend and work colleague who died of cancer.

Iain Forbes finished his 1,300-mile bike ride through Sweden, Denmark, Germany, Holland, Belgium and the UK on Sunday.

Mr Forbes, from Hailey, near Witney, had the idea for the ride when his friend and business colleague, Swedish-born Harald Berg, of Maidenhead, was diagnosed with stomach cancer last year.

Mr Berg died in April - four days before his 45th birthday - from complications resulting from his disease.

Mr Forbes, started his ride called "Hi Ride" in his friend's home city of Gothenburg, Sweden, on May 2.

He said: "Hi Ride was set up to support Harald as he fought his personal challenge against cancer.

"It was Harald's plan to cycle with me and it was only in late March that further treatment meant that he had decided to stay at home and support Hi Ride.

"I think Harald would be really proud of what I have done. I know his family are."

Mr Forbes, who was welcomed home by family, neighbours and friends on his return home, celebrated his 65th birthday in the saddle on May 17.

He said: "I am glad to be home in one piece.

"The highlight was celebrating my birthday in Bremerhaven, Germany.

"I visited the National Maritime Museum and enjoyed a meal.

"I also enjoyed cycling through some beautiful little villages along the route.

"You don't really notice a lot when you are cycling as you tend to keep your head down and just think about getting from the start to the finish."

His wife Moira, 63, accompanied him on the trek in a sponsored camper van driven by friend and golfing partner Jim Brown, of Carterton.

Mr Forbes hopes to have raised about £40,000 for cancer research.