Police have appealed for more people to help them cut crime in Woodstock.

Officers want residents to sign up to the area's Neighbourhood Action Group (Nag), which feeds back priorities local people would like the police to tackle.

The town currently has 12 members, including two teenagers, but can find itself down to three people at meetings because of holidays and work commitments.

Officers want to see another half a dozen people signing up to give the town a group as strong as those in Witney and Eynsham.

Area sergeant Scott Evans said: "The idea is to use local residents who have local knowledge to assist us in tackling our priorities.

"They help us problem-solve and develop a way of trying to improve the quality of life locally.

"I think people get a sense of satisfaction out of helping the community."

Residents have highlighted speeding, police visibility and parking as the three priorities they would like local police officers to tackle.

Recent crimes in the town have included the theft of fishing equipment from a porch in Woodstock Road, criminal damage to a garden in Oxford Road and the theft of a bike from a garden in Bear Close.

Car crime also increased in the area in May.

Nag committees meet once every six weeks. Committee members may also be asked to survey their neighbours about crime issues, or go out on speed checks. They can also join officers on patrols aimed at cutting out antisocial behaviour in their neighbourhoods.

To find out more, email woodstockneighbourhood@thamesvalley.pnn.police.uk or visit the police station in Hensington Road, Woodstock.