Ian Hudspeth, the county council's cabinet member for transport, explains at some length the reasons for the delay in providing a rail station at Kidlington on the main line to Birmingham ( (Oxford Mail, June 2).

Unfortunately, this does not really address the point raised in my letter.

In that letter, I acknowledged the delays that had beset the original proposal, and drew attention to an alternative of providing Kidlington with a parkway-type station at Water Eaton as part of the East-West rail project.

This would be unlikely to suffer the constraints of frequency and capacity that exist on the main line.

This suggestion has been mentioned to county council officers, but has received only a lukewarm response.

It was also, noticeably, ignored by Mr Hudspeth in his reply.

It is this blinkered and obstinate refusal to consider an alternative, with the potential to overcome the problems encountered by the original proposal, that leads me to the conclusion that the county council has no serious intention of ever providing a rail station for Kidlington.

CHRIS ROBINS (Councillor) Foxdown Close Kidlington