I am responding to the article about parking in St Mary's Road, East Oxford, Drivers flout parking rules (Oxford Mail, June 2).

Workmen in the two council vans in your photograph spent six hours fixing my daughter's boiler.

They had to carry all their tools and equipment backwards and forwards.

I parked on the other side of the road. There was nowhere else for the council vans to park.

I fetch my granddaughter every morning for school and I have to park in the same place every time because by 8am, people are parking their cars to go to work in Cowley Road, or to catch a bus to go into town. If my daughter owned her own car, she would find it very difficult to park outside her own house.

It is all very well for Justin Walden to complain, but he doesn't even live in the street, or even own his own car.

Maybe if he worked for the council, he would see how very difficult it is for these men to carry out their daily task.

Maybe Mr Walden would be happier if all workmen caught the bus.

BERYL McGINTY Burgan Close Cowley Oxford