CHILDREN at a school in Bicester worked hard to make two scarecrows for the Open Gardens and Scarecrow Trail which took place in Stratton Audley, at the weekend.

Around 60 pupils aged between four and five at Glory Farm School in Hendon Place, Bicester, were invited to be involved in the event which took place on Saturday and Sunday.

The foundation youngsters created child-size scarecrows dressed in school uniform, which tied in with their farming topic that they had been studying.

Teacher Alison Bromley said: "We have making a lot of things including cheese and bread, looking at wool and doing some weaving and we were pleased to be asked to get involved in the Scarecrow trail. It was another thing for us to make.

"All of the children made small scarecrows and then joined together to make two big ones."

The annual event attracted many visitors who were keen to look around the 12 gardens and scarecrows.