POLICE today released an e-fit of a man wanted in connection with an attempted robbery of a schoolboy in Kidlington.

At 6.50am last Tuesday, a 14-year-old boy was walking his dog in Ron Groves Park just off Azalea Avenue, whilst listening to music on his mobile phone.

As he entered the park, he bent down to let his dog off the lead, but as he did so a man approached him and punched him in the face.

He demanded the boy give him his mobile and then punched him again, at which point he dropped his phone, but he managed to recover it. His attacker ran off in the direction of Maple Avenue.

The man is white, about 6ft 3in tall, in his late twenties or early thirties, of stocky build, is quite pale and has short, ginger hair. He was wearing a beanie-style hat, a dark blue zip-up waterproof jacket, and black tracksuit bottoms with two white stripes on the leg.

PC Mike West, of the Cherwell Robbery Team, said: "It is unacceptable for a 14-year-old to go out to walk his dog early in the morning and be attacked like this. And for a man of this age to use violence against a teenage boy in this way is deplorable and we need to find him.

"Can anyone who recognises this man from the e-fit please contact us.

We would also like to speak to anyone who may have seen this attack take place or saw a man of this description in the area. We believe there was another man jogging in the park at the time and we would particularly like him to get in touch."

PC West can be contacted via the Police Enquiry Centre on 0845 8 505 505.

If you don't want to talk to police and don't want to leave your name, call the Crimestoppers charity anonymously on 0800 555 111.