An author is celebrating a children's book that has been published against the odds.

Beauty entrepreneur Clare Anderson, who lives near Chipping Norton, struggled through her school years, never managing to achieve the grades of which she believed she was capable.

As a teenager, she was even told by a teacher that she would be lucky to ever hold down a job.

The 47-year old was eventually diagnosed with dyslexia aged 16.

Now Clare is co-author of a Christmas-themed children's novel called The Lost Wish, which she describes as 'a real team effort'.

The fully illustrated tale, which combines fantasy and wellbeing, is suitable for children aged 5-11.

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The mother-of-one says that while the story, which sees a little girl called Siena step through a magical arch into Elfland, is all her own, co-author Emily Jacobs helped her to get her words down on paper.

Editing the book was placed in the hands of former Bodicote primary school teacher Simeon Crowther, who also went on to voice the audiobook version.

The book is illustrated by Emma Kurran, previously a character animator, who has worked on films including The Jungle Book, Guardians of the Galaxy and Exodus: Of Gods and Kings.

Set in Elfland, a magical place where wishes can come true, Siena, named after Clare's daughter, her loyal loving dog Buddy, and her best friend Gabi, inadvertently set off on a journey through a mystical land that’s filled with adventures, magic, and festive fun.

Clare said: "The publication of The Lost Wish is a real milestone for me - I would even say it was my greatest achievement. Despite having grown two successful businesses, my dyslexia and experience at school has always left me lacking confidence in my abilities.

"I have the ideas, the creativity, the passion and drive to make things happen but I needed the support of others to bring the story to life.

"It just goes to show that with the right team around you, anything is possible!

"People with dyslexia often have amazing imaginations and are very successful in the arts and business. Steve Jobs, Richard Branson, Picasso and even Einstein were all believed to be dyslexic and they didn't let it hold them back.

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"The Lost Wish is dedicated to all those children who struggle in school and know they have so much more to give."

Editor Simeon Crowther, formerly a teacher at Bishop Loveday CoE Primary in Bodicote, said: "The Lost Wish’ is a modern festive fantasy adventure story with echoes of familiar fairy tales, favourite fables and much-loved legends.

"It’s full of fascinating characters and remarkable events that teach children the importance of wellbeing, courage, compassion and self-belief."

The Lost Wish, by Clare Anderson and Emily Jacobs, is available to purchase now from WH Smiths Oxford, Waterstones Banbury and online at

There will be a launch event at Waterstones Banbury on Thursday 15 December. Clare will sign copies of the book and alongside every copy bought on the night there will be a free gift worth £3.95.