A PRIMARY school in Bicester was rated as ‘good’ by a watchdog after its first inspection.

Ofsted, which regulates and inspects childcare and children’s social care, schools and colleges, visited Gagle Brook Primary School in Cranberry Avenue in September to carry out an inspection.

Inspectors said the school is ‘inclusive’ and that teachers have ‘high expectations for all pupils’.  

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Their report said: “Pupils are proud of their growing school and its eco-friendly building. They know and understand the school’s values and its principles.

“They work hard, enjoy their learning and take pride in their achievements. There is a culture where everyone looks out for each other.

“Pupils enjoy spending time with their friends and playtimes are harmonious. Bullying is rare. Adults do not tolerate it; if it happens, pupils quickly receive help.”

Oxford Mail:

Inspectors also said that reading is given prominence by teachers at the school, who choose class texts that are varied and broaden pupils’ knowledge.

The report said: “They encourage pupils to read widely. Pupils talk with enthusiasm about the books their teachers read in daily reading sessions and the weekly reading assembly. The school’s early reading programme is effective.”

However, the report said that in a small number of subjects, teachers have not yet identified all the knowledge pupils are to learn.

It said: “Where this is the case, pupils do not learn as well as they could. Leaders should refine subject plans to identify all the important information pupils are to learn, starting from the early years.”

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This story was written by Anna Colivicchi, she joined the team this year and covers health stories for the Oxfordshire papers. 

Get in touch with her by emailing: Anna.colivicchi@newsquest.co.uk

Follow her on Twitter @AnnaColivicchi