Victorious Labour councillor Dr Anna Railton said she is 'humbled' after winning yesterday's byelection on Oxford City Council.

Dr Railton is elected as city councillor representing Hinksey Park ward.

She tweeted: "Both super proud and humbled to be elected to the Oxford City Council last night. Cannot wait to get started serving both Hinksey Park and the city."

The election was held after Labour councillor, disabled Oxford University academic Marie Tidball, stepped down as she is standing as Labour's parliamentary candidate for Penistone and Stocksbridge, in South Yorkshire. 

Cllr Railton gained 801 votes in Thursday’s poll, with the Green Party’s Alex Powell second with 305.

Rick Tanner gained the support of 118 voters for the Liberal Democrats while Jennifer Saunders of the Local Conservatives got 60.

Callum Joyce for TUSC received 8 votes.

There was an overall turnout of 36 per cent.