A STUDENT was attacked and robbed at knifepoint as he walked through Oxford early today.

Between 3.30am and 4am, the 20-year-old was walking back from Oxford towards Headington along St Clements Street.

When he reached the junction with Rectory Road he was confronted from behind by three men.

The men demanded that he hand over his belongings, he refused and they used a knife to threaten him.

They stole some money, credit cards, passport , student card and bus pass before they ran off along Rectory Road towards the Cowley Road.

Det Con Iain Spencer said: "These three men are all Asian and were wearing dark clothing with their hoods up and one of the men was wearing a pair of sunglasses.

"Luckily the man was not more seriously injured. He suffered two cuts from the knife but has been left very shaken from the incident.

"I am working hard to catch those responsible and am appealing to anyone who may have seen the men around the time of the robbery to contact me. I would also like to ask residents to check their gardens and bins for any items which could have been thrown away by the robbers as they ran off."

Anyone with any information about the incident should contact Det Con Spencer at Oxford police station via 0845 8 505 505, or if you don't want to talk to the police or give your name, call the Crimestoppers charity on 0800 555 111.