Three hooded men robbed a student at knifepoint in Oxford during the early hours of this morning.

The 20-year-old man was walking along St Clements Street when he was confronted by three men at the junction with Rectory Road some time between 3.30am and 4am.

They demanded he handed over his belongings and when he refused they threatened him with a knife with six-inch blade.

The three men escaped with money, credit cards, a passport, student card and bus pass and ran away along Rectory Road.

The man suffered minor knife cuts on his arm and chest but not need to go to hospital.

The three men are all described as of Asian appearance and were wearing dark clothing with their hoods up and one of the men was wearing a pair of sun glasses.

Dc Iain Spencer said: "Luckily, the man was not more seriously injured. He suffered two cuts from the knife but has been left very shaken from the incident.

"I am working hard to catch those responsible and am appealing to anyone who may have seen the men around the time of the robbery to contact me.

"I would also like to ask residents to check their gardens and bins for any items which could have been thrown away by the robbers as they ran off."

Anyone with information should contact police on 08458 505505 or speak anonymously to Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.