What a shambles Stagecoach is making of its No 10 service from Oxford city centre to the John Radcliffe Hospital.

No wonder people from the Cowley and Wood Farm areas can never arrive on time for their appointments.

My wife and I waited 45 minutes for the No 10 bus at Carfax to go home on Wednesday, April 30.

When we arrived at Wood Farm, three No 10 buses came down Wood Farm Road in convoy.

It should be a 15-minute service, hence our three-quarter hour wait at Carfax.

On Thursday morning, May 1, we waited 45 minutes for the No 10 bus from Wood Farm to Templars Square, Cowley.

We couldn't get my wife's wheelchair on the 9.10am bus because there were four buggies on board.

So we waited until 9.50am for the next one. While we were waiting, four buses went to the JR.

When we got to Horspath Road, another No 10 to the city centre caught us up and passed us.

Often a bus has been taken off to fill gaps in the No 1 route to Blackbird Leys.

Why do this when there are more than enough buses on the No 1 route?

They run every two or three minutes and there are so many buses in convoy that they jam up Cowley Road.

You see two or three No 1 buses waiting at Carfax at any given time. Where is the sense in that?

This is one of the main reasons for air pollution in the city centre - and Stagecoach drivers are the biggest culprits for leaving their engines running.

I suffer from asthma and when I've approached drivers and asked them to turn their engines off, they have sworn at me.

So I am pleased now that the council has said it will issue fines to these inconsiderate drivers. Well done, keep it up.

PETER COLLETT The Slade Headington Oxford