Sir - I think councillor Michael Gotch (Letters, May 9) is being slightly disingenuous in suggesting I am dodging the issue of where the extra 50,000 houses are to go.

As a Liberal activist and (from May 1) an Oxford city councillor, he will know that this is spelled out in the South East Plan. Between now and 2026, the plan provides for 11,800 homes in Cherwell; 7,000 in Oxford City; 10,200 in South Oxfordshire; 11,500 in Vale of White Horse and 6,700 in West Oxfordshire. This totals 47,200 homes.

The four district councils and Oxford City are basing their Local Development Frameworks on these numbers and are planning accordingly to identify where in their districts the homes will be best placed. The problem we face is the Government may increase the number of homes for Oxfordshire from 47,200 to 55,000 by requiring a review (code for abolition) of the Oxford Green Belt at Grenoble Road.

This is where councillor Gotch could be confused because Liberals on the city council are supporting building on the Green Belt at Grenoble Road, while some Liberals on the county council are opposing it.

He may also be scratching his head when he realises that Oxford city's recent planning advice has included 11,000 dwellings within the city boundaries, 4,000 more than the South East Plan currently demands of them. What may puzzle him even more is that the city consistently builds more homes than it plans for. Why therefore, does the city council want to build yet more homes at Grenoble Road; in the Green Belt; in South Oxfordshire? Pushing out your boundaries into your neighbours couldn't be about reviving your ambitions for a unitary city council, could it, councillor Gotch?

Keith R Mitchell, Leader of Oxfordshire County Council