FOSTER parents have backed a recruitment drive aimed at getting more people to share their homes with vulnerable children.

Foster Care Fortnight, which began this week, will see a special van driven to various parts of the county in order to allow people to speak to current foster parents and members of Oxfordshire County Council's family placement team.

The team is aiming to add another 25 foster carers to the 303 households currently on its books - and wants to use the fortnight to celebrate the work of foster carers who are looking after more than 400 children across the county.

Rosalie James, 67, and her husband Rod, 68, from Borough Walk, Abingdon, have fostered more than 100 children over three decades.

The couple have three biological children of their own, have adopted another two children and have fostered children aged between five days and 17 years.

Mrs James urged more people to sign up as foster carers and said: "Fostering has been really good for my confidence. I have done things I would never have done before.

"A lot of the children are feeling very insecure and do not know where they are.

"They feel lost and alone. We like the challenge and we like to see the children come out of their shells.

"Hopefully in lots of cases we have made a difference. We have fostered some absolutely super children and we have got lovely memories and loads of photographs.

"If I can do it then so can anyone."

Sharon Okin, 34, from Kidlington, and her husband Stuart, have been fostering children for 2 years.

The couple have recently become short-term carers - meaning they can foster children for up to two years, after previously taking in children for weekends and in emergencies.

Mrs Okin said the majority of the children she fostered had suffered neglect or abuse, but some had come to stay when their mother was in hospital and there was nowhere else for them to go.

She added: "I love it. The kids are fantastic - they are great children.

"What is really rewarding is the advancement they make when they are living in a stable, loving environment.

"You start to see improvements in their behaviour and in their physical well-being.

"It is a wonderful experience."

The Okins are currently looking after their 18th foster child.

Mrs Okin said: "There are so many kids out there that need loving, stable homes - so if you can do it, do it."

A range of fostering options are available to people who want to help children, and foster parents are also eligible for allowances which cover the cost of looking after each child.

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