It's good to have Labour back in power in Oxford. Congratulations to Labour councillors who won.

People in Oxford will see a difference with Labour in charge.

There will be people who disagree, but in future, they will see the good Labour are doing and may decide to join the party. Of course, the moaners will never be satisfied. The Labour Party, country-wise, will put it right before the General Election - Gordon Brown has taken note of what is happening.

We know that it will all cost a lot of money, but just be patient - over 75-year-olds get free TV licences and their Christmas bonus.

I wonder if people who don't vote Labour accept the gifts received at Christmas? If you vote against Labour, why accept these gifts? Would the other parties hand out these gifts? I don't think so. Don't forget in future - vote Labour.

BILL YATES Ambleside Drive Headington Oxford