A MOTHER is determined to complete a lap of honour during Oxfordshire's Relay For Life after fighting off a fatal disease which she was given just a one per cent chance of surviving.

Linda Souch, 44, of Wilmot Close, Witney, was originally diagnosed with breast cancer after discovering a lump.

After this was removed at the then Radcliffe Infirmary, in Oxford, it was discovered the cancer had spread and Mrs Souch needed a mastectomy, which was declared a success.

But, five days after returning home, she was rushed back into hospital fighting for her life after being infected with MRSA.

Mrs Souch, who lives with husband Kevin and daughter Zoe, 10, said: "It caused my body to go into toxic shock and I suffered heart failure. I was put into a drug-induced coma for eight days to give my body a chance to recover.

"My husband was told I had a less than one per cent chance of survival. Thankfully, I made a miraculous recovery, but suffered disabling side effects."

The MRSA caused her to lose all but one of her toes and damaged the rest of her feet.

She added: "It's been a rough ride these last couple of years, but I'm determined to be in there with the survivors.

"I've had shoes specially made because of the damage to my heels and I should be able to walk comfortably for a short distance."

Mrs Souch will be joining many others who have survived cancer in a lap of honour and a 'candle of hope' ceremony.

Among them will be Alan Bradley, 60, of Burwell Meadow, Witney, who was declared clear after an operation for prostate cancer, as well as Barry Jessel, one of the race organisers, whose mother died of cancer.

OXFORDSHIRE'S first Relay For Life event is at the West Witney sports ground over the weekend of June 28 and 29. Others are being held throughout the country, gathering together survivors and those who have been touched by cancer to help raise money for Cancer Research UK.

Scores of groups fundraise through the year, then get together for a celebration and commemoration. About 35 cancer survivors have confirmed they are taking part, and about 250 others are signed up in relay teams.

Each team tries to keep at least one member on the track at all times and the event includes a Survivors' Lap of Honour and a Candle of Hope Ceremony.

Anyone wanting to take part, either as a part of a team or as a survivor, should call 0796 257903, email relayforlifewitney@hotmail.co.uk or visit the website cancerresearchuk.org/relay/venues/witney/