The time has come for me to visit my local polling station and for the first time in my life, I do not know who to vote for.

The Labour gang, in their party broadcast, seem to keep plugging old and worn-out policies like the NHS and education.

Yet they seem more hellbent on strangling cash from anyone who owns a car in the name of global warming.

They are also too preoccupied slapping each other on the back with promises of rich pickings on the European gravy train, with the biggest prize going to the councillor who has the guts to walk all over the public who voted them in.

The Tories keep saying they will get hot on immigration and put a stop if they can to the Brussels' bulldozer, but they are not convincing enough.

The Lib Dems just live in a dream world of their own and will say anything you want to hear. And the Greens? Well, what can I say about this shower, who believed the Horspath Road flooding was down to climate?

So, as I sit here with a vote in hand, one thing is for sure - none of the above will get it, nor will any Independent.

REID TUTTY Mortimer Drive Old Marston Oxford