Sir - I feel that I must comment on the piece College call for end to High 'vandalism' (April 11).

I'm sure that the Warden of All Souls is genuine in his comments about the way forward for what is one of Oxford's real treasures - the High Street.

However, he approaches this argument only from his own perspective. The county council is bound to plan for the future of the High Street from the perspective of colleges, residents, transport users, businesses and all stakeholders.

Critics seem to want to overlook and push to the margins the work that the county council has already completed on the High Street. Large stretches of the route have seen their paving and road surfaces improved with a de-cluttering of signage were possible. We plan to do similar work on the central section of the High Street although we are hampered by the Government's sudden withdrawal of funding, as has been widely reported.

I, therefore, slightly resent the undertones that we are cold and unfeeling towards the heritage of the High Street and its status as an Oxford gem. If we hadn't been aware of such issues we wouldn't have already spent large sums of money on doing just the kind of work that those who value the route wanted to see.

We have heard the feedback. The whole idea of the consultation was to give key stakeholders a chance to comment on our ideas, nothing was set in stone, it was never us saying that this was a fait accompli.

It would be more helpful if such feedback was constructive, based around the needs of everyone involved with the High Street and acknowledged work that has already been done.

Steve Howell, Head of transport, Oxfordshire County Council