FAMILY members said a big thank-you to a "brilliant mother", as she celebrated her 100th birthday.

As Beatrice 'Win' Brown toasted her health today she was joined by four generations of her family plus staff and residents of Townsend House residential home in Headington, Oxford.

Mrs Brown - who has two children, ten grandchildren, 17 great-grandchildren and five great-great-grandchildren - was described as a "mum to all of them" by daughter Irene Hurst.

The centenarian was born in Abbey Place, St Ebbes, but moved to Risinghurst in 1936.

Her husband George, a former cabinet maker, died in 1981.

Mrs Hurst, 65, said: "She's a brilliant mum. My mum and my dad have done everything for their children that they possibly could have done.

"Mum has helped look after her grandchildren and her great-grandchildren, she's been a mum to all of us. She loves to be with children and says that's what keeps her young.

"She says age is all in the mind. If you think you are old, you'll be old.

"She used to refer to the residents in her sheltered accommodation as the old people but, in fact, she was actually the oldest."

Mrs Brown, who is the oldest resident at Townsend House after moving there last year, keeps her mind active with a daily dose of word searches.

She will be joined by more members of her large family, including daughter Pauline Downes, for a second celebration at the home.

Sally D'Anger of Townsend House said: "Win's very popular, she's always bright and cheerful and still quite spritely."