Win Perriss had a second helping of celebrations today for her 100th birthday, when fellow nursing home residents joined her for a tea party and anniversary cake.

The centenarian was surrounded by 50 residents and some members of staff at the Cotswold Home, Bradwell Grove, Burford.

Mrs Perriss, born in 1908 and educated in south London, had already had a day with her family on her birthday - March 23.

She remembers her father fighting in the First World War while serving with the Black Watch, and she worked for many years in the millinery department at the once famous fashion firm House of Worth.

She moved to Oxfordshire after marrying James Perriss, living at Hook Norton. Her one son John later set up Witney Travel.

She has three grandchildren and four great grandchildren.

Mrs Perriss moved to the Cotswold Home, an Elizabeth Finn care home, in 1999.

Spokesman Annette Baldwin said: "She is a very popular resident and still enjoys singing, walking and dancing."