An ambitious project to help feed hungry people in crisis has been launched.

The Community Emergency Foodbank opened its doors this week at St Francis Church, in Hollow Way, Cowley, Oxford.

It is the brainchild of retired social worker Jane Benyon, who lives in Bladon, near Woodstock.

She said the aim was to help people through emergencies.

She added: "You would be surprised at the scale of food deprivation in a city like Oxford.

"There are a substantial number of those who, despite our welfare state, still go hungry through some crisis in their lives such as debt, sickness, sudden job loss, addiction, marriage breakdown or simply delays in the payment of benefit."

Food will be collected from churches, schools and supermarkets.

People will be referred to the service, at the church on Tuesdays and Fridays from noon to 2pm, by doctors, health visitors, Citizens Advice Bureaux, community workers and churches.

The foodbank is being funded entirely by donations.