The so-called national bus pass scheme has been launched, except that, if you live in the Vale of White Horse, the council now makes you travel later and reduces your travel time by half an hour.

And, of course, you must be home by 11pm because the old and disabled can't have a social life and stay out late, can they?

This is disgusting treatment of our older and disabled Vale citizens.

Oxford City Council is doing no such thing - its residents will be able to travel from 9am.

What about those who receive disability passes as they cannot drive, but who work because the Government wants to get people off disability benefits?

They will now face significant additional costs to get to work on time.

Many employers allow flexibility for disabled employees to start later because of the current 9am restriction. Will they be so generous to allow a further concession? I think not.

This is a mean, ill-thought-through, penny-pinching form of 'apartheid' by some district councils.

I will be taking this into account when I next cast my vote at the council elections, although the ridiculous system we have here doesn't let me do that until 2011.

On the Vale website, Jerry Patterson, the district council leader, puts some of the oft-criticised New Labour spin doctors to shame with his positive spinning.

About this, he says: "Bus pass holders will be able to enjoy a much broader range of travel.

"Although the old scheme did allow travel from 9am, this was at the Vale's discretion and the cost fell entirely on Vale council taxpayers.

"We are a relatively small district and are striving to provide a broad range of services with limited resources.

"Unfortunately, we did not feel that we could continue to sustain such a scheme.

"However, the greater flexibility of the new scheme should more than make up for the loss of half an hour's travel time."

I don't remember being asked by the council if I was prepared to pay a little more in council tax to be able to allow the current travel times to continue. I am sure, like me, many residents would be happy to do so.

This is another postcode lottery for a so-called national benefit.

Shame on Mr Patterson and his colleagues.

Let us hope voters send him and his party the reward they deserve at the next electoral opportunity.

PETER McGUNNIGLE Sycamore Road Botley Oxford