A drug addict caught with thousands of pounds of crack cocaine stuffed down her trousers was jailed yesterday.

Oxford Crown Court heard Kafayat Sarumi, of Lakefield Road, Littlemore, Oxford, was caught with 68g of the drug by police in the city's Westgate Centre in September.

Peter Coombe, prosecuting, said officers later raided the mother-of-two's home and found £5,000 and two sets of scales. The drugs had a street value of £2,000-£4,000.

Serena Palastrand, defending, said Sarumi started using drugs to deal with her depression, but had later temporarily managed to kick the habit. Sarumi, 36, had pleaded guilty to possession of a class A drug with intent to supply, and theft of a pair of shoes from Next, at an earlier hearing.

Judge Christopher Compston jailed her for three years for the drug offence and one month for the theft, to run concurrently. He also jailed her for a further three months for another offence, but banned the Oxford Mail from revealing what it was.

He said: "Effectively what has driven you to this is you are a drug addict yourself. What are you doing having drugs, selling them, knowing the misery that it has brought you? It is a very serious matter. There is no question you have to go to prison."