We wonder if Gordon Brown and his ministers have ever been to Weston-on-the Green.

Under their plan to create a series of eco-friendly towns, you would have thought they would have selected places where people could follow an eco-friendly lifestyle.

At Weston, deep in the Oxfordshire countryside, they have no chance.

The new town would be miles from anywhere, with few public transport links.

Almost everyone would have to travel by car, adding to congestion on the already overloaded A34.

If a site in Oxfordshire had to be chosen, that at Shipton quarry would have been preferable, with its better transport links. It has also attracted some public support.

Let's face it - the Government is not talking about a small town, but one possibly the size of Bicester.

There is also concern about the Government's role in the decision-making process.

It makes the usual noises about consulting everyone and abiding by local planning policies.

But there is already a strong suspicion that ministers are setting themselves up as judge and jury, and that we won't have much of a say in the matter.

That mustn't be allowed to happen. It's time to mobilise the forces.