A TEENAGE skater from Didcot has overcome injury to win a place on Team England.

Charlotte Davis, 16, had thought her dream was over after tearing ligaments in her ankle and knee in the weeks before the national qualifiers in Telford.

But she overcame adversity to pull off a double flip and has now made the English team to face skaters from Wales, Scotland and Ireland in the Home Countries International Final 2008.

Charlotte, of Dart Drive, said: "I'm really surprised as I didn't expect to make it through.

"After my injury my coach thought that I would have to miss the qualifiers, but I skated on the weekend before and my coach decided on the Monday that I would be all right to compete."

The teenager, who goes to Didcot Girls School, said she was now aiming for Olympic glory.

She said: "I've always wanted to do Holiday on Ice, but I think if I put in the work I could go on to compete in the Olympics in 2014 when I'm 22. If I had my way I would be skating all the time, but my mum and dad always go on at me to get my GCSEs first, so I have to concentrate on them."

Charlotte will be competing in the Home Countries International Final 2008 in Deeside, Wales, on Saturday, April 26.