Sir - In the light of the recent discovery of the super rat in Oxford, I would like to add my own story from North Oxford.

My family's Easter Sunday brunch was briefly interrupted by the appearance of a big rat that marched majestically across the garden patio. I wish to express my gratitude to all who contributed to the preparation of this spectacular event.

In particular, I would like to thank councillor Jean Fooks and her team at the fortnightly rubbish collection command centre at the council, who for months had worked tirelessly to introduce this magnificent species to its new habitat. Well done all!

Nevertheless, I am wondering whether this incident has any implication for my council tax band.

Is my house automatically eligible for the council tax relief as a part of the Oxford Slum Zone, or should I provide the council with more evidence? Perhaps quite the contrary, I qualify now for some new enhanced environment surcharge not included in my council tax bill.

In either case I would appreciate if the council provided me with its How to domesticate a wild rat brochure published conveniently in 39 local languages, including - to my obvious relief - Polish.

Wojciech Lubowiecki, Oxford