Sir - The High Street in Oxford with its magnificent curve, bordered by a wonderful array of grade 1 and grade 2 listed buildings, rightly deserves to be world famous.

However, in so many ways, the High Street has been compromised and it is vital that proper consideration is given to address the clutter, access, road and pavement layout and usage, pedestrian and cycling facilities and similar issues.

We are extremely concerned that last year's good intentions by the county council to improve the central length of the High Street in Oxford may now be jeopardised.

The revised proposals fail to take into account many factors and the very limited consultation period gives little opportunity to the local businesses and the educational institutions to make appropriate representations.

The council must not try to rush and bulldoze their proposals through.

Stakeholders should be the first to be considered and be properly informed and consulted in respect of these proposals.

OHSBA represents very many organisations on The High and our members deserve, and have a right, to demand a meeting to fully discover the likely impact of the proposals and to discuss their concerns before this matter goes any further.

Mike Crabtree, Vice-chairman, Oxford High Street Business Association, Shepherd & Woodward; Sarah Green, University of Oxford Shop; David Harris, Chairman, Mogford Ltd.; Kelly Henwood, Oxford Limited; David Marcus, Treasurer, Reginald Davies; Jeremy Mogford, Old Bank Hotel; Canon Brian Mountford, University Church of St Mary the Virgin; Graham Jones, Secretary OHSBA