I write about the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Bill, which has just completed its passage through the House of Lords and will be debated by MPs soon.

This Bill extends the scope of scientific research on human embryos and even allows the creation of animal and human hybrid embryos for research.

This country has been a Christian one for more than 2,000 years. The Church of England and all other denominations are horrified that the Labour Government should endorse such practice by allowing it to become law.

Congregations of these churches would feel the same if a child was denied the legal right to know his or her biological father when IVF methods are used.

If Labour do not support the amendments to the Bill which would limit embryo research, it would increase the number of abortions rather than reduce them.

I have written to my MP, Andrew Smith, to remind him that our Christian witness can never be just personal, but must serve the common good of society and uphold the human dignity of all.

MPs should request and be granted a free vote on those parts of this Bill which deal with fundamental issues of personal conscience.

MICHAEL HOLDER Collinwood Road Risinghurst Headington Oxford